Have you ever thought about having a child? PLEASE STOP CRYING can convince you of this! This challenge will make everyone nervous and afraid. Will you be able to cope with household responsibilities before your wife arrives? Take the role of a young father and get started with the game.
The impossible is possible!
In this game, players will become a parent who is left alone with his child. The other half left the house, but promised to return soon. She left a long list of things to do before she arrived. It is so big that it seems that a whole day is not enough to cope with it.
Do it faster in PLEASE STOP CRYING:
• Wash the floors
• Vacuum
• Wipe off the dust
• Remove toys
• Prepare food
• Clean up the garden
We have written only a few important responsibilities so as not to upset you. In PLEASE STOP CRYING you will get even more than you could ever expect. In addition, players will encounter surprises along the way. Can you do several things at once in parallel?
The little one will constantly make plaintive sounds that will interfere. He won’t stop doing this until you give him attention. Give him what he wants to shut him up! In the game, everyone will experience anxiety, which they will not be able to get rid of until the end of the process.